Call to Action: Train


Train young adults through work-based learning experiences.


  • Support bipartisan policy initiatives that would expand and update hands-on, modernized career and technical education for all students.
  • Participate in or promote work-based learning experiences, which help build a strong business case to employers about the benefits of offering internships and other training opportunities to youth.


  • Expand access to work-based learning such as internships and modern-day apprenticeships among industries, small business owners and third-party providers; increase awareness of these opportunities and their benefits.


  • Spur partnerships with employers, school districts, colleges and post-secondary technical schools for integrated, work-based learning experiences and certification opportunities for youth.


  • Support bipartisan policy initiatives that would expand and update hands-on, modernized career and technical education for all students.
  • Incentivize employers to hire and train youth and encourage them to work with and buy services and products from organizations that employ “opportunity youth”— 16 to 24-year-olds who are neither in school nor working.
  • Collaborate with employers and local workforce investment boards to ensure that all young Americans who need job training and supports are being referred to effective, evidence-based programs that prepare them for careers in their region.


  • We Got This: A Call to Action for Youth Employment
  • How employers can reduce youth unemployment
  • Career and Technical Education Act
  • Workforce Investment and Opportunity Act

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