
Bipartisanship solves versus divides our nation

by The Hill   •  

Bipartisanship led to some of the greatest policy advances our nation has experienced ranging from the Civil Rights Act to the enactment of Medicare; from the Employee Retirement Income and Security Act (ERISA), which allowed tens of millions to retire with more security to the War Powers Resolution which clarified the constitutional powers of the President and Congress.

To honor those leaders who cross the aisle, the Marian B. and Jacob K. Javits Foundation has established The Jacob K. Javits Prize for Bipartisan Leadership. The Prize is meant to serve as a beacon, encouraging public servants to advance bipartisan solutions and work across partisan boundaries to craft solutions to the nation’s most pressing problems. From the economic insecurity of people living in coal country, to the persistent inequities fueling the new civil rights movement; from the battlefields of Syria to the refugee and immigration crises around the world, it is clear that constructive action is in greater demand than ever in Congress.

The inaugural award was given at the 2016 National Opportunity Summit, hosted by Opportunity Nation.


The Hill The Hill is an American political newspaper published in Washington, D.C. since 1994. It is published by Capitol Hill Publishing, which is owned by News Communications, Inc. It focuses  on politics, policy, business and international relations.

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