
NCOA Supports Opportunity for All Ages

Opportunity Nation is proud of its diverse multi-sector coalition, which is committed to expanding opportunity and economic mobility for all Americans. In the weeks and months ahead, coalition organizations will be featured here on our blog to showcase the impact they make every day and highlight why they are a part of this campaign. Below you can learn more about the work of our partner the National Council on Aging, whose enormous efforts to provide economic security centers and promote systems change, are impacting people of all ages.

“In 2009, my job moved from Long Island to Georgia,” said Ms. H. With no employment prospects and minimal Social Security income, Ms. H was forced to move back to NY and live with her sister. It was there that she was introduced to the Economic Security Service Center at PathStone Corporation.

PathStone helped Ms. H to find paid community service work, apply for benefits, and identify affordable housing. Today, Ms. H has a great place to live and now helps seniors who are in the financial straits she previously was in. “I do not know where I would be without the Economic Security Center…it has given me my life back.”

The Economic Security Centers are just one initiative of the National Council on Aging (NCOA), a nonprofit service and advocacy organization headquartered in Washington, DC. NCOA works to improve the health and economic security of millions of older adults, especially those who are vulnerable and disadvantaged.

Approximately 13 million older adults in this country are living on the edge—one health incident, one foreclosure, one missed rent payment, one roof leak, or one layoff away from poverty. NCOA works with nonprofit organizations, businesses, and government to develop creative solutions to help these seniors, whether it be finding them employment and benefits, counseling them on money management and home equity issues, or assisting them with self-care and managing chronic conditions.

NCOA also plays a key role in public policy and advocacy, by promoting systems change that can ensure that older adults are able to access the coordinated public and private resources they need to remain healthy and independent. In 2011, we launched a national video advocacy campaign, entitled One Away, which gives voice to older adults who are struggling with economic insecurity. Working with 14 state and local organizations, including strong partners in Vermont, Kentucky, Iowa, Maryland, North Carolina, and Pennsylvania, the One Away campaign captures real stories of seniors to raise awareness and advocate for policy change that will empower them to access the coordinated services and supports they need.

NCOA believes the American Dream should be alive for everyone, including our most vulnerable older citizens. We’re proud to be a partner in Opportunity Nation, and hope that others join us in creating a world where all citizens can age with health, economic security, and dignity.

Find out more about NCOA’s solutions and economic security programming at

Visit our One Away campaign for elder economic security at

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