Bipartisan American Dream Accounts Act Celebrated at Event Co-Hosted by Opportunity Nation and CFED
•On May 9th, Opportunity Nation and our coalition partner CFED were joined by more than 100 leaders from around the country representing various sectors – education, banking, business, Congress, the Administration and nonprofits – for a dynamic policy forum in Washington DC to announce the re-introduction of the American Dream Accounts Act, sponsored by Senator Chris Coons (D-DE) and Senator Marco Rubio (R-FL). This legislation is a critical step towards ensuring that all Americans are able to access, afford and complete post-secondary education.
Both Senators Coons and Rubio have a deep personal commitment to ensuring that more American youth have access to post-secondary education. We were honored to have Senator Coons and staff from Senator Rubio’s office join us at the event. As Senator Coons said at the forum, “Your zip code should NOT determine your future.”
The bipartisan American Dream Accounts Act would authorize the creation of online college savings accounts combined with resources and support intended to help more students access a college education that leads to a career. Studies show that students with a dedicated college savings account in their own name are seven times more likely to go to college than their peers who lack such accounts. The American Dream Accounts Act is a significant step toward providing low-income students with the resources and support they need to access and succeed in college.
Click here to find out more about our advocacy tools and contact your senator to secure their support. Or, read more – Opportunity Nation’s executive director Mark Edwards co-wrote an op-ed in Politico discussing the importance of the act.