Media Highlights

Why did Palm Beach County and Florida score poorly in economic opportunity measure?

by The Palm Beach Post   •  

Palm Beach County and Florida posted mediocre scores in the Opportunity Index released today by Opportunity Nation, a bipartisan organization whose members included businesses and community groups.

Palm Beach County’s grade was C+, while Florida ranked 38th among states. Palm Beach County outpaced Florida in income and poverty rankings, but housing affordability and crime were weak spots.

Some of the metrics from the report, which aims to measure social mobility:

Median household income

Palm Beach County: $49,076

Florida: $43,090

U.S.: $48,906

Poverty rate

Palm Beach County: 14.5%

Florida: 17%

U.S.: 15.8%

Households spending less than 30 percent of income on housing

Palm Beach County: 54.6%

Florida: 60.7%

U.S. 65.4%

Adults with associate’s degree or higher

Palm Beach County: 40.6%

Florida: 36.7%

U.S.: 37.7%

Violent crimes per 100,000 residents

Palm Beach County: 502.9

Florida: 460

U.S.: 387.8

Doctors per 100,000 residents

Palm Beach County: 271.8

Florida: 270

U.S.: 286.5

Read the full article at

The Palm Beach Post Official site of The Palm Beach Post newspaper in West Palm Beach, Florida.

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