
The voices of Opportunity Leaders #OppWeek

by Opportunity Nation   •  

In the spirit of #OppWeek, here are a sampling of blog posts that Opportunity Leaders have written during the last six months. Opportunity Leaders are a vital part of our work and we make sure they have a seat at our table — and other tables — as much as we can.

My Role in Restoring the American Dream – A recap of Opportunity Nation’s first Restoring the American Dream series event through the eyes of Opportunity Leader Anjonette Hall. This two-hour event at the Capitol hosted 100 cross-sector leaders and young adults and had a reach of about 8,000 more via multiple Facebook Live videos.

Kemp Leadership Award Dinner: A night of adventure – Each year, the Jack Kemp Foundation honors an exceptional leader who champions the American Idea with the Jack Kemp Leadership Award. This year’s award was presented to Governor Nikki Haley on Wednesday, December 7 in Washington, DC. Opportunity Leader Donovan Hicks attended on Opportunity Nation’s behalf and blogged about his experience.

Retail can shape the groundwork for a fruitful vocation in any field – Opportunity Leader Melissa Pond shares how the customer service training she attended more than ten years ago is at the foundation of her work ethic and experience, shaping the groundwork for the field she chose. Melissa currently works as the Senior Planner for the City of Quincy’s Department of Planning & Community Development.

How Retail Helped Me Plan for the Future – Opportunity Leader Savion Castro writes about how his retail experience became a great stepping-stone in his path: in addition to receiving financial support and work experience, his job was a place where he felt valued and contributed in different ways than his time at school.

Opportunity Nation Opportunity Nation is a bipartisan, national campaign comprised of more than 350 cross-sector organizations working together to expand economic mobility and close the opportunity gap in America. Opportunity Nation envisions the United States as a nation where everyone – regardless of where they were born – has equal access to opportunity, economic mobility, and success at all stages of life.

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