Media Highlights

What is WIA?

by Opportunity Nation   •  

With all the great attention CTE and apprenticeships are getting lately, I wanted to make sure you were aware that another hugely important bill is heating up – the Workforce Investment Act (WIA).

Opportunity Nation’s coalition has long supported key components of this important law, which has been due for a major overhaul since 2003. Here is a primer on everything WIA.

WIA \WEE-ah\ noun;

1. A $3 billion annual investment that helps displaced adult workers and young Americans ages 14-21 enroll in skills and career programs that help them find jobs in today’s economy.

2. Youth programs include: tutoring, summer employment, high school graduation coaching, occupational training and more.

3. The U.S.’s largest single source of federal funding for workforce development activities.


Established in 1988 to meet the increased demands on the U.S. workforce and economy. WIA has been overdue for reauthorization since 2003.

How to Use in a Sentence:

  • This is the year to finally reauthorize WIA!

  • Together, we can help get WIA reauthorized – now. Our youth cannot afford to wait.

  Learn more about our proposals to revitalize WIA!
Opportunity Nation Opportunity Nation is a bipartisan, national campaign comprised of more than 350 cross-sector organizations working together to expand economic mobility and close the opportunity gap in America. Opportunity Nation envisions the United States as a nation where everyone – regardless of where they were born – has equal access to opportunity, economic mobility, and success at all stages of life.

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